
Ethical and unethical hackers possess similar skill levels, intelligence levels, and competency, though their manner of practice differentiates them. Ethical hackers practice their skills to identify loopholes and weaknesses within the systems and rectify them. Unethical hackers manipulate the systems to breach organizational data. Consequently, cybersecurity was developed to limit and eliminate the threats of cyber-attacks. Several techniques for limiting cyber threats have been developed, including educating employees on better ways of avoiding cyber threats. As technology advances, unethical hackers are developing newer methods of bypassing all systems to access customers' critical information. This study examines the role of critical and creative thinking in hacking, an area where these two modes of thinking are essential for success. It provides a definition of critical and creative thinking and explores how it can be applied to the practise of hacking. Critical thinking is shown to be essential for identifying vulnerabilities and creating effective exploits, while creative thinking is needed to find new approaches to hacking challenges. The study also discusses ethical considerations in hacking and argues that critical and creative thinking can be used to promote positive change in the field. Overall, this study emphasizes the importance of developing critical and creative thinking skills to succeed in the world of hacking and highlights the potential for innovative solutions to cybersecurity challenges through the application of these modes of thinking.