journal description

Borneo International Journal ISSN 2636-9826 (online) is a single blind peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research and reviews covering a wide range of subjects in Islamic studies, Arabic language, science, technology, business, management, social science, architecture and medicine. It also publishes special issues of selected conference papers.


latest articles

Grey Digital Divide

Omar M., A., ChePa N.

Incident Response Planning and Procedures

Farok N., A., Zolkipli M. F.

Security Challenges in SCADA Systems

Hairudin Ruzaili H., H., Zolkipli M. F.

Information Hiding in Image Using Amplitude Modulation Algorithm

almaliki A., Din R., Utama S., Najeeb S., G., Almaliki J. Q.

Exploring Effective Attack Strategies on Steganographic Systems

almaliki A., Din R., Utama S., Najeeb S., G., Almaliki J. Q.

Prediction Of Real SO2 Time Series Through Chaotic Approach In Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

Ruslan A., Ahmad Zubir A., H., Jun F., Mohamad Adnan M., D., E., Mohd Faisal M., L., H., Francis A., R., Abd Hamid N., Z., Che Jusoh K.

Leadership Style Among Women Leaders in Sabah

David J., Mohammed R., Jidwin A., Tajuddin D., Siew Len J. K.