
The aims of this study are twofold: first to examine student perception of a flipped online learning model used in accounting discipline between student perceptions and student’s seniority, achievements and experience in flipped learning. Second, to examine the effectiveness of flipped learning among students enrolling auditing paper.  The data set used in this study was collected through a questionnaire survey on students' perceptions of flipped learning adopted from a previous study and students' performance report. An independent sample for equality of means was used to explore the possible association between the variables. The result indicates t students perceived online flipped learning is effective in the learning process. This study also found a significant difference in terms of online flipped learning effectiveness among junior and senior as well as between students who are experienced and non-experienced in flipped learning. This study also found a significant difference in the means subject’s achievements between the flipped classroom and the non-flipped classroom. This paper only examines students in their early years' tertiary education. As such, the result of the study is still premature to generalise the effectiveness of flipped learning in andragogy. Further investigation needs to be conducted among the various level of students in tertiary education to examine its effectiveness and challenges.   The result of this paper is expected to provide a basis for the faculty and administrator to identify the current need of Melania students and their learning preference. It can also be used by the faculty to review or redesign their curriculum to meet the current information-seeking behaviour of the students. The traditional learning approach needs to be review to ensure the ability to achieve the cognitive, affective and psychomotor goal of education domain among Melania students.

Keywords: Accounting Education, Andragogy, Flipped learning, Online learning, Cloud-based learning