
This paper aims to explore the role of fun and enjoyment within the framework of Islamic work ethics. While the concept of work ethics is often associated with duty, responsibility, and discipline, the inclusion of fun and enjoyment in the workplace remains a relatively unexplored area, particularly within the context of Islamic ethics. Aligned with the conference theme, this paper examines how the integration of fun aligns with the preservation of Islamic values and ethics. By promoting a work environment that values fun and enjoyment, individuals can experience a harmonious balance between their professional obligations and their spiritual well-being, thus preserving the core principles of Islamic practice. This study seeks to shed light on the importance of incorporating fun and delight into Islamic work ethics, considering the potential benefits it may offer to individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. Due to limited research available on this specific topic, this paper will primarily rely on theoretical analysis and draw insights from existing literature on Islamic work ethics, happiness, and well-being. The findings of this study will contribute to the existing literature by highlighting the significance of balancing duty with enjoyment in the Islamic work context and inspire further research in this area.